About me

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) in the Electrical & Systems Engineering (ESE) Department. I am a member of the Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab led by Professor Neal Patwari. Prior to WashU, I received B.S. degree in Electronics and Information Engineering and B.A. in English at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.

My research interests include dynamic spectrum sharing, wireless sensor networking, and RF sensing. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in our research!




       AraFest-2024: Very honored to receive the ISU AraFest’24 Travel Grant and happy to give a lightning talk entitled “Explore New Potential of Wireless Spectrum Through Learning and Systems Approach” at AraFest’24 in Aug 2024!


       DySPAN demos accepted: Two demos, “over-the-air digital communications” and “over-the-air Pseudonymetry”, are accepted to DySPAN 2024 and will be ran live via the POWDER testbed at the conference!


       Three papers accepted to DySPAN 2024: Happy to share that three spectrum sharing works have been accepted to DySPAN 2024 and will be presented this May in Washington, DC!



       Research intern at AT&T Labs: Excited to start my research internship at AT&T Labs this summer and will work on system-level simulation for LTE uplink!



       MWW-2023: Very honored to receive the POWDER-RENEW Mobile and Wireless Week (MWW-2023) Travel Grant and will participate in the MWW-2023 Event in Jan 2023!


       L-CSS Submission Accepted: The motion planning work “Homotopy Method for Optimal Motion Planning with Homotopy Class Constraints” has been accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS).


       SenSys Shadow Program Committee: Very happy to serve on the ACM SenSys 2022 Shadow Program Committee.


       iREDEFINE Workshop: Very honored to receive the iREDEFINE Professional Development Award and will participate in the iREDEFINE Workshop in March 2022!



       SenSys Demo Accepted: Our demo paper “A Compliance Monitoring System for Open SDR Platforms” has been accepted to SenSys’21. Welcome to take a look at the paper and the demo.